Xalapa, Veracruz, México, a domingo 16 de marzo de 2025

Prosiguen campañas de descacharrización en el sur del estado

Prosiguen campañas de descacharrización en el sur del estado

, 24 de febrero de 2017

Enrique Burgos.

Coatzacoalcos, Ver., 24 de febrero de 2017.- La jefa de la Jurisdicción Sanitaria número 11, Lourdes de la Barrera Jiménez, informó que continúan con las campañas de descacharrización  para prevenir  la proliferación del mosquito transmisor del dengue, zika y chinkungunya; expresó que a las unidades hospitalarias y los centros de salud acuden personas con síntomas similares a los de estas enfermedades por vector, así que están atentos ante cualquier caso que pueda presentarse en la zona sur de Veracruz.

Es importante recordar que la Jurisdicción Sanitaria número 11 es la más grande en Veracruz y abarca 18 municipios de la región,  por lo que es importante trabajar en la prevención de estos padecimientos sacando los cacharros de los patios de las casas

We will continue to exploit opportunities to manage these pressures on SAC through hardware cost reductions and other efficiency moves but the bottom line is that we feel our SAC is in the right place and we are investing intelligently in the right customer, as I think our ARPU and churn numbers show.That being said, the repercussions of that one punch, about that one loss of control, are really quite extensive, and I give you a lot of credit, Neal, for laying some of that out in the intro. But just to be clear about this, LaGarrette Blount has gone from being somebody who will most like would have been most likely a second round NFL draft pick with a contract of one or $2 million guaranteed, to being somebody who, according to ESPN draft expert Todd McShay and people I’ve talked to as well, for that matter is not going to be drafted, just for that one moment, that one punch.All major manufacturers recommend that installation be completed out of the water. In order to minimize turbulence and aeration around the unit, do not mount the transducer along strakes, behind thru hull fittings or other hull irregularities as they Cheap NFL Jerseys can cause unusual disturbances around the transducer and cause improper readings. He also hasn’t really acknowledged his pattern of bigoted language and racist violence, which included a separate episode oakley sunglasses outlet in which he threw rocks at African American schoolchildren while shouting that «black nggers» were unwelcome in his community.And he has never reached out to the Vietnamese American community or other communities of color with the kind of targeted charity and philanthropic presence befitting someone who was truly remorseful for the repulsive actions of his youth.And that’s the most gut wrenching aspect of Wahlberg’s request, coming as it does in the wake of the repeated, unpunished killings of young black men and teens at the hands of white men. Many people cough at night due to postnasal drip. This is when mucus slides down the throat, irritating it, resulting in a cough cheap football jerseys that is tickly feeling. There are few things on Earth more disturbing, but there are some remedies to try:with a humidifier if your room is full of dry air. Coughs can often be caused by air that is too dry, so moisten it up a bit, especially in theas much as you can. The more water you drink, the better able your bodyFor let louis vuitton wallets the truth be spoken. The action oakley sunglasses outlet of Germany, however cruel, sanguinary, and faithless, was nothing in the nature of a stab in the dark. The Germanic Tribes had told the whole world in all possible tones carrying conviction, the gently persuasive, the coldly logical; in tones Louis Vuitton Purses Hegelian, Nietzschean, war like, pious, cynical, inspired, what they were going to do to the inferior races of the earth, so full of sin and all unworthiness. Whatever might have been the secret searching of hearts, the Worthless Ones would not take heed. It must also be admitted that the conduct of the menaced Governments carried with it no suggestion of resistance. It was no doubt, Cheap NFL Jerseys the effect of neither courage nor fear, but of that prudence which causes the average man to stand very still in the presence of a savage dog. On simple matters of life and death a people is always better than its leaders, because a people cannot Cheap ray bans argue itself as a whole into a sophisticated state of mind out of deference for a mere doctrine or Replica Oakleys from an exaggerated sense of its own cleverness. I am speaking now of democracies Louis Vuitton Outlet stores whose chiefs resemble the tyrant of Syracuse in this, that their power is unlimited (for who can limit the will of a voting people?) and who always see the domestic sword hanging by a hair above their heads.