Xalapa, Ver., 24 de febrero de 2017.- La clínica del Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (Issste) de Coatzacoalcos tiene 25 mil derechohabientes, de los cuales 70 por ciento son mujeres y 30 por ciento son hombres.
El director de esta unidad de salud, Raymundo Gushiken, señaló que esto se debe al machismo en el sector masculino de la población, que se niega a acudir pese a presentar con regularidad padecimientos como diabetes, obesidad, colesterol, problemas en los huesos y en la próstata.
Dijo que nuestra cultura nos enseña desde pequeños a no quejarse aunque duela, agregó que la mayoría de las enfermedades están ligadas a la obesidad y sus complicaciones.
Informó que otros de los padecimientos que afecta a más hombres que mujeres en esta clínica es el VIH/SIDA con 12 varones infectados.
Esta semana la clínica realizó la primera feria de la salud con el objetivo de dar a conocer a una mayor cantidad de derechohabiencia todos los servicios que aquí se ofrecen.
Recordó que en los hospitales del Issste durante el mes de febrero se lleva a cabo la campaña de salud para los hombres.
And my stance that «the root of homophobia is sexism» cheap nfl jerseys I believe that’s true. The real issue is, most individuals, who have a problem with someone who is gay, frame us as being «feminine», as being «weak», as being «less than a man» which is the language of how we talk about women.More remarkable, many doctors and scientists, worried about being ostracized for even discussing the potential of marijuana, called me confidentially oakley sunglasses to share their own stories of the drug and the benefit it has provided to their patients. I will honor my promise not to name them, but I wholesale china jerseys hope this next documentary will enable a more open discussion and advance science in the process.Marston first built his device in 1915 when he was a graduate student of psychology at Harvard, with the intent of using it to extract confessions from German POWs. However, from tests aimed to find out its effectiveness in interrogation, it was never ever used for such purpose. Actually, that was probably for the best by the time he’d finished writing up his results to help cheap football jerseys persuade the government, it was the end of 1917, thus making any information cheap nfl jerseys gained useful only to time travelers.Mr. RAFFERTY: You have to understand that he had been in the Marine Corps, and he’d landed at Guam and Iwo Jima, and he’d lost a lot of friends in the war, and he’d lost his older brother. And I said, dad, how did you like the game? And he looked me in the eye, and he said, worst day of my life.You know me. I’m not one to be quiet about a magazine cover. I always celebrate it when a respected publication invites me to grace their pages. It’s an honour. And a privilege. And ADWEEK is no exception,» she wrote Cheap ray bans on Instagram.»It felt strange to look at a picture of Cheap Jerseys myself that is so different from what I look like when I look in the mirror. From the beginning, the story was complicated by race and class: Martin would have been the first black fourth generation Harvard student ever had he not opted for Stanford; Incognito is white and has had run ins with the law. (Code Switch waded into the weird racial particulars of this story here.)Likewise, the interior isn just nicked from a standard Mini, because it be too narrow relative to the bodywork. All the switchgear is the same cutesy stuff, but there an all new wraparound dash architecture, and it the first Mini ever to have a proper centre console, which helpfully lifts the iDrive controller and parking brake out of the trench between the front seats.