Xalapa, Veracruz, México, a domingo 16 de marzo de 2025

Pendiente donación del terreno para Casa del Migrante

Pendiente donación del terreno para Casa del Migrante

, 26 de febrero de 2017

Enrique Burgos.

Coatzacoalcos, Ver., 26 de febrero de 2017.- La regidora con la Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Ayuntamiento de Coatzacoalcos, Nora Cortázar Luna, informó que solo esperan la aprobación del Congreso del Estado de Veracruz para la donación del terreno donde será habilitada la casa del migrante. Dijo que la Dirección de Obras Públicas ya hizo un recorrido con el ingeniero del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (Acnur) para elaborar el proyecto del refugio.

El terreno se encuentra ubicado en los bajos del puente Avenida Uno y ocupa un espacio de una hectárea aproximadamente, donde se construirán habitaciones y se podrá contar con un área de recreación para los indocumentados que transitan por Coatzacoalcos en su viaje a la frontera.

GOLDMAN: So far, cautiously. While acknowledging it commissioned the report, the NFL warns it’s not hard science. An NFL spokesman wrote in an email: The survey did not diagnose dementia but relied on self reporting by retirees or their family. That figure, says Weir, is based on a very small sample of respondents.By 2010, the FCC enacted open Internet rules, but the agency’s legal approach was eventually struck down in the courts. http://www.cheapjerseys-nfl.com The vote on Thursday was intended by the FCC to erase any legal ambiguity by no longer classifying the Internet as an http://www.cheapraybansunglasseser.com «information service» but a «telecommunications service» subject to Title II of the 1934 Communications Act.»Goodbye To You» Scandal/Patty Smyth. Children of the 80’s Unite! This album actually dropped the year I was born but somehow through fate ended up on my IPod and one of the best breakup songs out there. It’s a catchy one so be careful when listening to this one because you will be listening to it for the rest of the day in your head whether you want to or not. Doesn’t always paint himself in a very good light, whether he knows it or not. (It includes a particularly interesting spot fixing yarn.)C) NFL Confidential: True Confessions From the Gutter of Football, by Johnny AnonymousReleased late last year, this American gridiron book is a better read than the Secret Footballer to my mind. Cats have glands that are stimulated when they tug on their http://www.cheapjordan13.com fur, that ooze their own scent. Licking the nfl jerseys cheap fur kicks those glands into high gear, making him smell more like himself and ridding him of the terrible, terrible stink of you. It’d be like if after every time you hugged your http://www.nfljerseysshow.com Mom, she immediately ran down the hall and took a shower.Oxygen is needed for cells to survive. Oxygen enters the body by respirations. Respirations are voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary is when you consciously control a function. Involuntary is when a body function is automatic. You can stop yourself from breathing, but only until you pass out, then your autonomic system takes over and tells the body to breathe. When sleeping, we automatically breathe.Now the question is, there’s a lot of power, there’s a lot of potential power. And I think that the challenge of, I think, we just had a coaching thing Wholesale NFL Jerseys where you had ten openings. Ten openings, and not one black coach was hired. And you’ve got a lot of young brothers who are really sharp coaches, really qualified. So to me, I think you really have to cheap fake oakleys look at it because what that means is, wait a minute, you got a league that’s 67 percent, but you guys don’t control anything. You’ve got no power and I think that has to be the quest of this particular time. How do you transform that into power?