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Nuevo revés judicial para el fundador de Megaupload

Nuevo revés judicial para el fundador de Megaupload

, 21 de febrero de 2017

Enrique Acosta Rodríguez.

Xalapa, Ver., 21 de febrero de 2017.- El empresario de internet, Kim Dotcom (cuyo nombre original es Kim Schmitz), de nuevo enfrenta una derrota judicial en el caso de las acusaciones en su contra por delitos de piratería informática.

Ahora fue la Alta Corte de Nueva Zelanda la causante, al confirmar que el fundador del desaparecido portal de descargas Megaupload sí podrá ser extraditado a Estados Unidos, donde se le requiere por los cargos mencionados y, de ser enviado a ese territorio, podría cursar hasta 20 años de prisión.

La defensa del alemán naturalizado neozelandés ya anunció que volverán a apelar el fallo, el cual respalda una decisión judicial que data de diciembre de 2015, asegurando que no han sido derrotados.

Por su parte, Kim Dotcom criticó el fallo a través de su cuenta en Twitter, insistiendo en que lo suyo es “es un caso político. Es un juicio político. Les dije que no podía ser extraditado por un tema de ‘copyright’ y tenía razón”.

FELDMAN: Well, I would characterize that as hyperbole and still a little bit of posturing and rhetoric. I don’t think this has to be the nuclear winter. There’s the potential, again. Antitrust litigation is a very long, expensive and unpredictable process, but I don’t think the players intend to see this antitrust litigation to its fruition.Chrissie Hynde, best known for her years as the front woman of The Pretenders, is back on tour and has a new album to boot. Recently appearing in Akron, Ohio the NFL Jerseys China city that she says ‘spit her out,’ Hynde performed a 22 song set that featured many of The Pretenders’ classics. Fans loved hearing «Don’t Lose Faith in Me,» «Biker,» «Talk of the Town,» «Kid,» «Night in My Veins,» and more.Back when I cheap oakleys wrote that, I felt discount football jerseys like I was going Cheap NFL Authentic Jerseys out on a limb, maybe being a little provocative. As the survivor of one brain tumor (and, unbeknownst to me at that time, soon to survive No. 2), an advocate for an organization that helps veterans who have brain injuries, and a guardian of a 15 year old who didn’t understand why he should wear a helmet when longboarding (even on main thoroughfares), I was perhaps ahead of the curve in caring about head trauma and also a bit of a worrywart. But the statistics and the studies were there back then, and they were horrifying: 60,000 concussions suffered by high school players each year and numerous pro athletes whose deaths (some of them suicides) were linked to chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).I was covering Secretariat’s last race at Woodbine in Toronto in 1973. After he won, I went down to the finish line and snatched up the very grass where, best I could tell, the supreme champion’s hooves had last touched a race track. I stuffed Cheap Jerseys it in my pocket and took it home. Told you I was a sentimental fool.The Patriots used a running back by committee approach, but that has been their style for years. The Patriots have an average running game. They do well enough to win games. It would make sense to upgrade this position. It could take the pressure of Brady as well as the defense. It seems to be a revolving door.With the young boy in his arms, a fire began burning in Nelson’s heart that sparked an idea in his mind. «It cheap football jerseys got me thinking that helping these children is so much deeper than just going to Haiti and building structures and orphanages. The number one thing these kids need in their life replica oakleys is to be loved,» Nelson said.Good afternoon and Thank you for taking time to join us for our third quarter 2007 earnings call. Joining me for today’s discussion is Sumner Redstone, our Executive Chairman; Leslie Moonves, the President and CEO of CBS; and Fred Reynolds, our Executive Vice President and CFO. Sumner will have some opening remarks and then turn the call over to Les and Fred for strategic and financial issues. We’ll then open up the call to questions.