Xalapa, Veracruz, México, a viernes 18 de octubre de 2024

Lluvias dispersas este día en Veracruz

Lluvias dispersas este día en Veracruz

, 21 de febrero de 2017

Veracruz, Ver., 21 de febrero de 2017.- Cielo nublado a medio nublado con lluvias dispersas lloviznas o nieblas este día en Veracruz, el ambiente diurno relativamente cálido en zonas bajas y fresco a frío en montañas, en la costa, el viento del Norte presentaría rachas frescas a fuertes, incrementando el oleaje, el viento decrecería hacia el miércoles cuando se prevé disminuyan los nublados y el potencial de lluvia, además aumenten las temperaturas diurnas.

Esta mañana, el Frente Frío No.29 fue analizado hasta la región de Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz; a su paso, aumentó los nublados con probabilidad de lluvias aisladas de 5 a 15 mm en especial en la costa norte y en el sur de la entidad, además de nieblas o lloviznas en montañas. En la costa, el viento del Norte-Noreste con velocidades de 45 a 55 km/h y rachas de 65-75 km/h, lo anterior incrementa el oleaje cercano al litoral, se prevé que el viento disminuya su intensidad de esta noche al día miércoles. Por su parte, el ambiente diurno será relativamente cálido en zonas bajas y fresco a frío en áreas de montaña. El pronóstico indica que los nublados y la probabilidad de lluvia disminuyan el miércoles cuando las temperaturas diurnas incrementarían y generarían un ambiente diurno cálido en especial en zonas de llanura-costa. Se recomienda extremar las medidas de precaución.

MCMANUS: I think that’s absolutely the reason why. If you look at a lot of the other cases, those players are playing in the NFL. I’ll bring up Greg Hardy, who was found guilty in a bench trial, although those charges were later dropped. He was picked up by the Cowboys after his case, after he was found guilty in that bench trial. And if you read the police report from that night, he threatened to kill the alleged victim in question. He threw her down on a futon covered with guns. If there had been video cheap jerseys from that night, would he be playing in the NFL? And I would wager the answer is no. Video has a huge impact on the way that Fake Oakleys we look at what happened. It was you know, we saw Ray Rice punch his wife and then not help cheap jordan her up afterwards. Any team that brought him in, even probably for a workout, would then have that video playing in the background in reports cheap oakleys about their team.No one likes to believe they’re part of the herd. You’re not one of the sheep who gets sucked in by propaganda and inane slogans! Why, if you’d grown up under Hitler’s rule, you’d have spent every night sneaking Jews out of the country! The reality, though, is that when you’re raised in a bubble of rabid hatred from birth, your chances of not turning into an asshole are small. With that in mind, here’s how Pieter spent his childhood:For all of the oh no this is a blowout we need cheap nfl jerseys story lines chatter between Ian Eagle and Fouts on the broadcast regarding inactive Jets second round pick Christian Hackenberg, I’ll guarantee you they don’t have a QB cheap oakleys outlet prospect on their roster that matches up to Jacoby Brissett, let alone Garoppolo.It doesn’t take a master’s degree in criminology to see that this situation was not destined to turn out well. Take Javier Rueda, a documented violent gang banger who had been placed on non revocable parole: He went down in a blaze of glory when police tried to pull him over for a DUI. Sleep tight!A Hospital Accidentally Declares Thousands of Patients DeadWhen Saint Mary’s Mercy Medical Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan, performed a routine upgrade of their patient management software back in 2003, the project went just swimmingly. That is, except for one tiny data field in a certain batch of patient records dropping a single digit during the transition. It’s what a patient management software nerd might call a «mapping error» and we might call a «numberfuck.»»I don’t think there are any dirty players anymore,» a West coach said. «Back in the ’80s and ’90s, you could cheap shot guys. But now it’s a fine, it’s a suspension, it’s a points system. There’s no enforcer like there used to be. Who’s an enforcer like Charles Oakley? There’s no enforcer because of the rules. How much can a little guard get under your skin? And Dellavedova is a backup. He Cheap Jerseys ain’t dirty. None of these guys are dirty.»