Xalapa, Veracruz, México, a viernes 18 de octubre de 2024

Laguna Verde capacita a universitarios para reclutarlos

, 17 de febrero de 2017

Jorge Haces

Xalapa, Ver., 17 de febrero de 2017.- Como parte de la sinergia entre la Universidad Veracruzana (UV)  y la Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE), personal de la planta nucleoeléctrica Laguna Verde capacita para práctica profesional y después reclutar a egresados de la Licenciatura en Ingeniería Mecánica Eléctrica, dio a conocer la responsable del área de vinculación para la inserción laboral de la UV, Araceli Basurto Arrillaga.

Por su parte, el catedrático de la Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica Eléctrica y jefe de vinculación, Andrés López Velázquez, dijo que se trata de un proceso de entrenamiento de la planta para capacitar personal en ese tipo de industria.

“La planta implementa un programa de entrenamiento donde se va llevando un proceso de selección, donde precisamente estamos en la primera etapa, se hace un foro, se convoca a los prospectos y se empieza a hacer la evaluación diagnóstica”, agregó.

Los interesados en participar en ese programa pueden comunicarse al 8421700 Ext 11138 y entrar a la bolsa de trabajo en la página www.uv.mx/bolsadetrabajo.



This year Time Warner Cable formed a joint venture, with Comcast (CMCSA), named RDK Management LLC. The Reference Design Kit, or RDK, was initially designed by Comcast to create a platform in the set top boxes that enables all types of devices to access and play videos. RDK is a software package that will enable it to carry out these video services. With this software, cable companies can reach more video playing devices like phones and tablets. Since the beginning of licensing last year, the software has gained around 100 subscribers among the cable industry and has become a source of revenue for Comcast. As the subscriber base of this software grew, it became necessary to manage and develop the software.But having screwed cheap nfl jerseys up in such epic fashion, the ageing sportsman did what so many of us do when we try to make amends. He made it worse; fake ray ban sunglasses attempting to excuse the offending behaviour as a joke, insisting «there wasn’t any harm done» and claiming his comments has been «blown out of proportion». It was the very opposite of an unreserved apology.When wildfires ravaged the Ryazan region of Russia last year, Putin didn’t appear in front of a camera to assure residents that everything possible was being done, he appeared in the front Replica Oakleys of a Beriev BE 200 amphibious aircraft to do it himself. Initially a passenger on the fire fighting flight, the Prime Minister took this natural disaster’s attack on his homeland personally and seized the copilot’s seat. He then throttle aimed the plane at the fire and personally beat a wildfire into submission.How the «fight» started»Thanks, Johnny. Now tell our HubPages audience what these two media combatants are fighting for.» «Kenneth, Ripa and Strahan are both experienced in their fields and should give our Replica ray bans readers a great contest, but only one can win the title of «Most Annoying Television Celebrity,» so let’s get our popcorn, a soft drink and get ready to (wish Michael Buffer were here), ‘tumbleeeeeeee!»On Sept. 11, 2001, Dan Trant left his home on Long Island and arrived at his office on the 104th floor of the World Trade Center. He was in the North Tower when the first plane struck the building below his NFL Jerseys Cheap office that morning, and immediately called his wife, Kathy. He told her he loved her and to take care of their three children. That was the last time Kathy spoke to her husband.At the NFL usually, they use seven referees; the referee, the umpire, the head linesman, replica oakleys the line judge, the side judge, the field judge and the back judge. That’s a lot of positions. But football is a very complicated game and so Cheap NFL Jerseys there’s a lot of things that do need to be supervised when the game is being played.