Giant Motors Latinoamérica anuncia inversión de planta automotriz en Hidalgo
, 2 de febrero de 2017
Se informó que esta primera armadora de autos se ubicará en Ciudad Sahagún, e iniciará sus trabajos en el segundo semestre del año, con capacidad para ensamblar 40 mil autos, con una producción inicial en un año de mil unidades, para llegar a 10 mil vehículos en 2021.
La planta, en donde se ensamblarán de manera inicial dos modelos diseñados exclusivamente para el mercado mexicano, generará mil empleos directos y cuatro mil 500 indirectos.
Todos los vehículos que se ensamblen en esta planta, con el sello “Hecho en México”, serán de la marca JAC, que tiene presencia en 120 países del mundo.
Since the Bible is the Word of God, you would expect to find within its sacred writings references to that fact. You will not be disappointed, for the Bible plainly teaches that its words are the inspired words of God. For example, when God called Moses to lead the children of Israel out of Egyptian bondage, Moses balked. He said that he was not eloquent, and he was slow of speech.Celebrity accountant Anthony Bell has firmly denied allegations he pushed his model and TV presenter wife, Kelly Landry, and embarrassed her in front of her friends after he was slapped with an AVO last Thursday. As revealed by Daily Mail Australia on Monday, the Sydney to Hobart champion skipper has been banned from going near his wife within 12 hours of drinking alcohol or taking illicit drugs. But Mr Bell said he had ‘never taken a drug’. He also said: ‘I abhor all violence and I am faithful to my family.’CAMARILLO: That’s exactly what I’m saying. And in fact, in this NFL funding that they’ve announced cheap nfl jerseys I think they’ve dedicated about $60 million towards helmets, and they nfl jerseys cheap lump under that same umbrella sensors. And I think their hope is that the sensors part of the research will start to uncover more details about what causes the concussion. It’s more complex than you might discount football jerseys think. And that provides a means to design and test helmets against.»You tell your kids if you just apply [the lessons you teach them] and if you just cheap nfl jerseys listen to the police that they will be respectful and it will work itself out,» he continued. «And you see these videos that continue to come out and it’s a scary a situation that if my son calls me and says that he’s been pulled over that I’m not that confident that things are going to go well and my son is going to return home.»Will we ever know the truth? Others have speculated that the pressure dropped during warm ups. And there is the theory the Patriots intentionally deflated the footballs to make them easier to handle. However, per the press conference on Saturday, January 24, 2015, Patriots coach Bill Belichick stated to reporters, «I believe 100 percent we have followed every NFL Jerseys China rule to the letter.» The team has denied all such illegal actions. Bill Belichick even quoted science, like Bill Nye, Neil deGrasse Tyson or me. And I had to smile!OWNERSHIP REVOCATION: Many, from LeBron James to Magic Johnson, have called for Sterling to be removed from the NBA altogether. In modern professional sports, there is only one precedent for forcing an owner to sell their team for Cheap nfl jerseys incendiary commentary: Marge Schott, who owned jordan sale baseball’s Cincinnati Reds from 1986 to 1999.