Xalapa, Veracruz, México, a viernes 18 de octubre de 2024

Garantizado abasto de formatos para actas en todo el estado: Omar Cruz

Garantizado abasto de formatos para actas en todo el estado: Omar Cruz

, 21 de febrero de 2017

Rossana Luna

Xalapa, Ver., 21 de febrero de 2017.– Luego de que diversas oficinas municipales del Registro Civil como en Xalapa, puerto de Veracruz y Coatzacoalcos entre otros municipios, informaron que por escasez de formatos para elaborar distintos tipos de actas no se podía dar el servicio al cien por ciento; el director del Registro Civil del Estado, Omar Cruz Cruz, aseguró que ya se arregló la problemática.

Explicó que además de asegurar el abasto de documentos, estos tienen algunas modificaciones, por ejemplo ahora tienen una franja de color azul y un margen blanco.

Por otra parte, dio a conocer que en unos días dará inicio una intensa campaña para registrar a los niños recién nacidos o bien para quienes carecen de este documento.

Aunque recordó que el registro de recién nacidos se realiza incluso en los mismos hospitales.

«I only knew that there was a surprise coming. I had no idea what it was,» says 60 Minutes producer Draggan Mihailovich. «They kept saying over and over again, ‘Whatever you think it is, it isn’t.'» Mihailovich grew skeptical when the Amazon PR team began to hype their surprise behind the scenes. «How great can this be?» he thought.Demand is certainly not lacking for the cheap nfl jerseys Super Bowl. Just days before the game, most tickets on StubHub are selling for more than $10,000 each, and Goldberg estimated 10 to 15 percent of the stadium crowd will get their tickets through his site which he said would amount to millions and millions of dollars worth of tickets.Life Without Parole For Children: Justice or Cruelty?On the fateful day of November 3rd, 1998 two worlds would collide and forever be changed. A young girl would stand in the face of unimaginable evil never to return, while a young boy would stand on the precipice of the abyss never to walk outside of a prison yard again. wholesale jerseys china A vibrant 8 year old Maddie Clifton would be brutally murdered by a once friendly 14 year old Joshua Phillips, and two families (along with an entire community), would now be in a perpetual cheap football jerseys state of shock and suspended disbelief; until his trial would begin in July of cheap football jerseys that year. After a week of tirelessly searching for the missing girl they would now have to switch their focus to her murderers’ trial, who also happened to be a child. It Replica ray bans was unfathomable that the very boy participating in her search (flashlight in hand), could have been her aggressor, and yet that is exactly what transpired.The big difference is how people are dressed. wholesale jerseys In the movie, none of the people Olivier hustled past on the street were wearing any trademarked logos or branded merchandise. Check out crowd scenes from any movie before 1990, and you’ll see T shirts, jeans, suits and dresses, but few team parkas, shirts or hats.To their credit, Twitter has Replica Oakleys taken a sufficient step towards addressing their user growth and user engagement issues by redesigning their user profile. Currently, the design is only available to new users. The firm is in the process of a gradual rollout of the design to its seasoned users. Some new features include three different options in which one can view tweets. Similar to Facebook, the redesign allows for an individual to place a horizontal picture on the top of the page.He never thought about stopping even after Frazier requested he stop speaking out.When football, same sex marriage and politics collide»I said, ‘Well, no. That’s not the right thing to do. We are all American citizens. We all deserve to live our lives free of oppression,'» Kluwe told CNN.The Vikings said in a statement Thursday: «Any notion that Chris was released from our football team due to his stance on marriage equality is entirely inaccurate and inconsistent with team policy.