Xalapa, Veracruz, México, a viernes 18 de octubre de 2024

En Minatitlán más de tres mil taxis circulan sin placas

En Minatitlán más de tres mil taxis circulan sin placas

, 9 de febrero de 2017

Por: Leticia Silva

Xalapa, Ver.- Jorge Alberto Montiel Ponce, delegado de la Federación Veracruzana de Taxis de la zona sur,  dijo que más de 3 mil unidades de taxistas  circulan en  Minatitlán sin placas, por lo que urge se regularicen.

Reiteró que espera que en breve, el gobierno del estado entregue los títulos de concesión a quienes trabajan sin placas y con permisos de tránsito, para evitar que estas unidades sean presa fácil de la  delincuencia organizada.

«India feels that the very term multi stakeholder was something Wholesale Jerseys of a ‘misnomer’. A small unrepresentative group of certain individuals, supported by vested interests, appear to have arrogated themselves the right to present oakley sunglasses certain views in discussions relating to Internet governance. It was not clear as to who they represent and whether who they claimed to represent had in fact nominated them. Arians and the Cardinals can’t afford a third loss at home this early into the season, one that most observers pegged Arizona as a legitimate Super Bowl contender following Cheap china Jerseys a 13 3 record a year ago. Bowles and the Jets, meanwhile, might not recover if they lose their fourth consecutive game to fall to 1 5.As it enters the off season, the NFL continues to face huge problems: off field violence, on field concussions and accusations of cover ups (not to mention that minor, as yet unresolved matter of the deflated game balls used by cheap football jerseys china the Patriots en route to the Super Bowl). But as long as its annual showcase this one the highest rated in TV history produces epics like this, suggestions of the impending demise of America’s most popular sport must remain premature.Using cheap nfl jerseys the celebratory dance he then turns one man from geek to sleek with a stylish haircut that wins his girlfriend over in a cinema, before knitting a scarf to keep a man’s companion warm andtaking off in a jet to weave a love heart in the sky as he plays Cupid again.He notes that he won’t «mess» (baby talk for Replica Oakleys «shitting yourself») in public because it’s not as easy to hide, «too weird, and hard to clean up.» That’s one important drawback of answering nature’s call with a big middle finger: «You need to know about proper care,» Sammy says. «If people don’t clean up often enough or well enough, they get UTIs. A lot more care [is required] for vagina owners, because it’s easier for bacteria to get in.» For this reason, «A fair amount of people, but not as common, will do number two,» she says. «Cleanup can be a very big job.»According to surveys, the average age at which diaper wearers begin to indulge themselves is 11 for boys and 12 for girls. That makes a bizarre kind of sense. That’s old enough to start freaking out about that whole «responsibility» thing, but still young enough to vaguely recall how cool it was not getting up to poop. Everyone we spoke to reported being into diapers for as long as they could remember: Sammy was two, James was six, Riley was around four or five (and turning her underwear into cheap jerseys wholesale diapers by stuffing them with napkins).