Xalapa, Veracruz, México, a viernes 18 de octubre de 2024

Deben establecerse guías para evitar la discriminación: Tepole Ortega

Deben establecerse guías para evitar la discriminación: Tepole Ortega

, 20 de febrero de 2017

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Xalapa, Ver., 20 de febrero de 2017.-  El director técnico de Telesecundarias Federales de la Secretaría de Educación Pública, Roberto Carlos Vega Monroy, publicó en su cuenta de Facebook que había que hacer patria y exterminar a los voladores de Papantla porque viven de nuestros impuestos y los acusó de ser “chupa sangre”, acción por la que fue removido de su cargo.

En el marco del Día de la Lengua Materna, la Directora de la Academia Veracruzana de Lenguas Indígenas (Aveli), Lucía Tepole Ortega, dijo al respecto que dentro del Centenario de la Constitución deben establecerse guías para evitar la discriminación.

En el mismo tema, el experto en asuntos indígenas de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas, Marcos Matías Alonso, calificó el proceder de Vega Monroy como un agravio para la cultura Totonaca de Veracruz y todos los pueblos autóctonos del país.

Añadió que Veracruz tiene florecimiento en el tema de los pueblos indígenas, no descartó las amenazas a las pérdidas culturales, pero en términos generales, sus manifestaciones siguen vigentes, prueba de ello es que buena parte son considerados patrimonio cultural de la humanidad por la Unesco.

What is important is that the NFL returns to Los Angeles. Let the NFL team pitch its tent in a place that is convenient for fans and a boost to the surrounding community. Both the private sector and government officials of this city can and should approach this challenge with the energy and inventiveness of exciting NFL games.Work on both catching and deflecting the football. The most important role Fake ray bans of a defensive back is breaking up potentially big offensive plays. To do this, you must be able to get your hands on the ball. Practice simply catching the football in drills similar to those of a wide receiver. Also, work on deflecting the ball away from other players. You can do this while playing one on one against a wide receiver or by taking part in a team or one man drill. when to call for help. No matter how good you are, there will come a time as a defensive back when you are beaten on a play. It’s important that you know how wholesale nfl jerseys and when to motion to your safety that you need backup. A quick hand gesture to your teammate can be the difference between a down field tackle or six points for the opposing teams.Maybe it was the excitement of the semifinal game. Maybe it was too much pregame coffee. But Herbstreit would not shut up during the Alabama Michigan State game on Dec. 31. He chattered on and on about substitutions and defensive alignments, cover twos, cover fours, barely pausing to breathe. When he ran out Cheap china Jerseys of wholesale jerseys something to say, Herbstreit kept talking cheap ray bans anyway.The reality TV program is the brainchild of Los Angeles based former soccer agent Miro Gladovic but has been enthusiastically backed by the AFL. A pilot episode has been filmed with appearances from Geelong’s Jimmy Bartel, Australian Institute of Sport coach Jason McCartney and Hawthorn legend Robert Dipierdomenico. McCartney and Dipierdomenico will help run the testing days, which are slated for Dallas, Los Angeles and Miami, with plans to add another in New York or Boston.Looking at traditional back betting combined with horse racing as an example, assuming that the elected race has say 10 runners, a random betting choice would award wholesale Jerseys you a winning possibility of a miserable ONE out of TEN of having a successful win. On the other hand to give you a massive NINE out of TEN likelihood of winning you can bring into play lay betting to single out a loser, this would then offer you an admirable opportunity of making a lay betting profit!So wait, this movie stars one of the best known lead actors ever in what’s basically an Indiana Jones premake cheap china jerseys why isn’t it better known? That might be because both movies are produced by Paramount, who has never bothered to release Incas on home video. Many fans, including Indy’s costume designer, believe Paramount is just trying to hide the blatant ripoff.