Xalapa, Veracruz, México, a viernes 18 de octubre de 2024

Jaime sigue esperando justicia, a un año de la explosión de bodega de polietileno

Jaime sigue esperando justicia, a un año de la explosión de bodega de polietileno

, 14 de febrero de 2017

Enrique Burgos

Coatzacoalcos, Ver., 14 de febrero de 2017.- En septiembre del año pasado se registró la explosión en una bodega de polietileno de la colonia Héroes de Nacozari de Coatzacoalcos, en donde tres personas resultaron severamente lesionadas; solo una sobrevivió.

“¿Como ha sido mi vida después del accidente? Cambió, dio un giro muy grande, apenas me he empezado a valer por mí mismo, ahorita ya como solo, todavía no puedo escribir bien, mi mano no cierra completamente”. Recuerda ese 12 de septiembre: “Escuché un flamazo, y las flamas así como cuando te tiran un producto flamable y le echan un cerillo, se prendió muy rápido, no recuerdo cómo bajé.”

Su proceso de recuperación ha sido muy doloroso, tras ser atendido en el IMSS 36 de Coatzacoalcos fue trasladado a la unidad de quemados de Veracruz, donde fue tratado por especialistas, sus quemaduras le han dejado secuelas que sabe que serán difíciles de superar, pero confía en poder salir adelante al lado de su familia.


JT: It’s interesting that every example you gave is something that was enacted at the state or federal level. At the local level we don’t have a lot of resources to use to subsidize forms of energy, or other products and services related to sustainability, so it’s not an issue we are likely to have to deal with in the Denver Office of Sustainability.6a). Immunoblotting Baratas Replicas Ray Ban of whole brain lysate using polyclonal anti mSCN4B C and monoclonal anti hSCN4B C (7D7F10) (Supplementary Fig. 3) revealed depletion of cheap China Jerseys 4 expression in both Scn4b and Scn4b/ mice (Supplementary Fig. 4a). In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry showed that 4 mRNA and 4 protein expression were lost in the striatum of Scn4b/ mice (Supplementary Fig. Hi, this is Caleb Kelly again, and we are going to be reassembling the AR 15 rifle. What you do, you take your upper half, is what it’s called, and this is the barrel assembly and the upper receiver. You take your charging handle, slide it in the big slot, and it has notches on the inside, which it will catch on, and then you’ll pull it up into where it rests. After that, you take your bolt carrier, and it’s important to remember that when you’re trying to assemble this, make sure that your bolt is forward, because the pin that holds the bolt in the bolt carrier will block it’s access into the receiver. So, bolt forward, slide it underneath the charging handle and then push all of that inside the upper receiver. After that, you take the lower half, which involves, it includes the lower receiver and the stock, pistol grip, and trigger assembly. You place the upper half on it and you push the pins that hold it together. You’ll push those in securing both receivers. That is reassembly of the AR 15 series rifle.In 1992, Cathy took one of the most pivotal risks in her life by launching PRT Consulting, Inc., a speaking and consulting business specializing in purposeful risk taking. She has helped Fake ray bans thousands of people from law firm managers to school administrators to health professionals learn how to take purposeful risks for performance improvement. Through her dynamic, interactive and insightful programs, Cathy inspires audiences to stretch themselves farther handling performance challenges, personal wellness, teambuilding or organizational change oakley sunglasses with confidence. Her honors include being selected by former students for inclusion in Who Among America Teachers recipient of the Soroptomist of Distinction Award, the to Education Award from the Missouri Association of Secondary School Principals and the Award from the University of St. Mary. Either way, Living in Full Swing will give you the «lift» you need to feel the fresh breeze of joyful, purposeful living blowing once again in Fake ray bans your face. Feel the cheap football jerseys thrill of soaring higher. Instead of avoiding risk, cheap nfl jerseys learn how to embrace it without fear and as a result achieve more than you ever thought possible.» Cathy Newton, Living in Full Swing (Advantage Media 2007)