Xalapa, Veracruz, México, a sábado 15 de marzo de 2025

Abre la UV convocatoria para ingreso a licenciatura; ofrece nuevos programas

Abre la UV convocatoria para ingreso a licenciatura; ofrece nuevos programas

, 20 de febrero de 2017

(MásNoticias. Redacción). 20 de febrero de 2017.- Este lunes comenzó el registro de aspirantes a lograr un espacio en la Universidad Veracruzana para estudiar una licenciatura.

La dependencia informó, a través de su portal, que serán cuatro las modalidades de registro: la dirigida a los aspirantes que desean seguir estudios de licenciatura o técnico superior universitario; para el ingreso a los programas de danza o música en el nivel de iniciación o preparatorio; la de ingreso a los programas educativos que ofrece la Universidad Veracruzana Intercultural (UVI) en los campus Totonacapan, Selvas, Huasteca y Grandes Montañas, así como una modalidad especial dirigida a personas ciegas o débiles visuales.

El periodo de registro será del 20 de febrero al 2 de abril de 2017 y se realizará vía internet. Para resolver dudas de los aspirantes la UV ha puesto a disposición distintos medios: chat, correo electrónico, redes sociales y teléfono.

En esta convocatoria la UV da a conocer que amplía su oferta académica con cinco nuevos programas educativos: Derecho con enfoque de pluralismo jurídico que se impartirá tanto en los campus tradicionales como en la UVI, Ciencias Políticas y Gestión Pública, Ingeniería de Software, Logística Internacional y Aduanas y Enseñanza de las Artes.

El examen de ingreso tendrá lugar los días 20 y 21 de mayo, la publicación de resultados será el 21 de junio; del 2 al 4 de agosto se realizará la inscripción en primera lista y quienes no hayan obtenido un lugar en esa primera etapa, podrán consultar los lugares disponibles el 11 de agosto.

3) Seahawks’ QB Russell Wilson’s Plan This is a field goal oriented system which gives the team that allows the coin flip winner to kick wholesale jerseys a 52 yard field goal to win in sudden death. If the kick is made the team wins, if not the team loses. This system is rapid and decisive.Jimmo last Replica ray bans competed in the UFC in May 2015 against Francimar Barrosso where he suffered a unanimous decision loss. Shortly following that loss he was released by the UFC. Jimmo had not competed since that time but was still much loved by everyone in the mixed martial arts community. RIP Ryan Jimmo.So the question arises is how do we cast sink tipped lines? Because essentially the fish are on all different levels and zones. If we’re on the river or even in the lake, the basic principle that we want to use is what we learned in the Wholesale Jerseys basic roll cast. The old Meadowlands home to the New York Giants and New York Jets was notorious for gusty winds that seemed to blow in circular patterns, giving quarterbacks and kickers nightmares. The wind was bad enough on its own, but as the New York Times reported, some opponents accused the home teams of opening the stadium’s tunnel doors to make the wild gusts even worse on the field at strategic times.The Ravens, by the way, are starting to stress the run replica oakleys game more again, as tailback Ray Rice returns to health. One team scout acknowledged that the Ravens had «maybe become a little too (enamored)» of the pass, and had gone away some from their usual mix. Despite his contention that it was a «difficult» decision last week to stick with struggling quarterback Matt Schaub for Sunday’s game against St. You should be able to completely grasp the ball and control it with one Replica Oakleys hand. I can turn upside down right now and I’m in nfl jerseys cheap complete control with just one hand. Now as I take my last step, my left arm is going to come off the ball so I’m using only one hand to control it. Create a bottom back support by cutting a notch in each end of a board 3/4 inches thick, 3 1/2 wide and 44 inches long. The notches should be 3/4 inches by Cheap Jerseys 2 inches high. Glue and screw the back slats to the back support so that 1 1/2 inches of the slats overlap the back support. Measure 13 1/2 inches to 17 inches from the bottom of the slats and attach the top back support in the same manner. Once the glue is dry, you can cut the top of the slats with a jig saw so that they are curved, or you can leave them as is. If you choose to curve the slats, have the middle of the curve measure 26 inches from the bottom of the slat, and the sides measure 18 inches.