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Primer Seminario de Petroquímica para periodistas en Coatzacoalcos

Primer Seminario de Petroquímica para periodistas en Coatzacoalcos

, 22 de febrero de 2017

Viridiana de la Rosa.

Coatzacoalcos, Ver., 22 de febrero de 2017.- Este miércoles se realizó en Coatzacoalcos el Primer Seminario de la Petroquímica para Medios de Comunicación organizado por la empresa Braskem Idesa.

En él se expusieron los temas: el ABC de la Petroquímica, Historia de la Petroquímica, la Actualización de Braskem Idesa y Oportunidades y Amenazas del Sector Energético de América del Norte, tópicos que fueron abordados por expertos en la materia.

El objetivo fue el de contribuir al conocimiento de la industria petroquímica de México, así como también entender los retos y oportunidades a las que se enfrenta este sector.

Cleantho Leite, director de relaciones institucionales y nuevos negocios de Braskem Idesa, informó en este marco que actualmente el Complejo Petroquímico Etileno 21 opera al 98 por ciento de su capacidad y tiene ya a alrededor de 300 clientes y su plantilla laboral es de 700 empleos directos y más de 2 mil indirectos “con eso vamos a contribuir mucho y disminuir el déficit comercial de la balanza que es el principal fundamento de este proyecto. México tenía materia prima, quería transformarla en productos finales y con esto disminuir la importación y con ello contribuir y eso ya se está haciendo”, expresó.

«Tom, Bill and I have been together 15 years. They are my guys, they are a part of my family. Ihave never known them to lie to me. That is why I am confident in saying what I said. It bothers me greatly that their cheap jordans reputation and integrity and, by association, that of our team has been called into question this past week. If the Wells investigation (by league investigatorTed Wells)is unable to definitively determine that our organisation tampered with the air pressure in the footballs, I would expect and hope that the league would apologise to our team and, in particular coachBelichick and Tom Brady.»DADE: Well, there’s a list of them. We’re talking just facilities that were under NFL Jerseys China disrepair. We’re talking about a weight room where there was mold and mildew, locker rooms that had mold and mildew; improper washing of jerseys and uniforms, which led to staph infections which, as we know, can be deadly. The floor in the weight room was in disrepair. It was an accident waiting to happen, in the locker room. And I cheap oakleys will say, from my time being there you know, at Grambling wholesale nfl jerseys as storied as the program is, you know, it has always been challenged with finances. It has always been challenged with providing, you know, adequate accommodations. So they’re taking 17 hour bus rides one way, to play a game over the weekend; and coming back another 17 hours. No wonder they’re winless this year.This time, he «proposed» to the kicking net that he became entangled with during a sideline meltdown earlier this season. Spontaneous emotion is understandable. But this cheap ray bans stuff with Beckham and the kicking net is just plain silly. It’s too bad the NFL doesn’t have a rule preventing the use of sideline apparatus to draw attention to yourself.Comeback player of the week: Brock Osweiler. Focus on the top decision maker in your audience, but don’t neglect the other attendees. Get right to fake oakleys the point. Depending on the mood of your audience, adjust your presentation style: More upbeat for an excited crowd, more laid back for a muted, relaxed crowd. Smile and always look positive when presenting nfl jerseys cheap your idea.The evidence is clear: Eleven of the team’s balls were illegally deflated and they didn’t get there by themselves. All the talk about cold weather being the culprit? Forget it. Not only was the temperature in the 50s on game day, but if weather was a factor then the Colts’ game balls would have also deflated. That didn’t happen.That wasn the case Monday night. The Rams couldn run, they couldn pass, and they racked up more than twice as many punting yards (431) as they did offensive yards (185). They had a red zone efficiency of 0%. They did not take a snap inside the 49ers 20 yard line.