Xalapa, Veracruz, México, a viernes 18 de octubre de 2024

Espectacular pone en riesgo a alumnado de escuela de Boca del Río

Espectacular pone en riesgo a alumnado de escuela de Boca del Río

, 21 de febrero de 2017

Carlos Navarrete.

Veracruz, Ver., 21 de febrero de 2017.- Profesores y la Sociedad de Padres de Familia de la escuela primaria Valentín Gómez Farías de Boca del Río, solicitaron la reparación o retiro de un anuncio espectacular que presenta deterioro por falta de mantenimiento. Recientemente se desprendió una varilla de la estructura y la lona no fue retirada antes del ingreso del frente frío.

“Protección Civil está recabando toda la información para deslindar responsabilidades y ver de quién verdaderamente es el terreno, cuando ellos nos informen eso, se va a tomar la decisión de si retirarlo o mandarlo a reparar”, dijo José Hernández, presidente de la Sociedad de Padres de Familia.

La profesora Rosa Imelda Cañas hizo un nuevo llamado a las autoridades correspondientes. “Queremos que Protección Civil de alguna manera nos apoye, ya que está en juego la integridad de nuestros alumnos y cada vez que hay norte pues corremos riesgo con este tipo de situaciones”.

La escuela se localiza en las calles Tiburón esquina Mantarraya del fraccionamiento Costa de Oro y cuenta con una matrícula de 182 alumnos y ocho profesores.

The decision released Monday comes nearly a year after a district judge approved the revised settlement. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia within two weeks, or the Supreme Court within 90 days former players already diagnosed with brain injuries linked to repeated concussions could begin receiving benefits within 3 4 months, a plaintiffs’ attorney said.Some biologists scoff at the idea that the South American jaguar could have migrated so far north. Many biologists claim jaguars do not come in black, but research has provided Wholesale Jerseys ray bans sale the information that 6% of the Brazilian Pantanol jaguars are melanistic, or black, and can weigh up to 300 lbs. It is fair to say that these cats fit the description given to the black panther sightings, but again countless biologists unite in their claim that a black jaguar has never been successfully documented anywhere north of Mexico. In reality, a female jaguar was documented in 1963, when a hunter shot and killed her in Arizona’s White Mountains. In 1965, a male jaguar was killed in the Patagonia Mountains, south of Tucson.3:30pm. Susie has two minutes to fill out her caller log in the computer before her phone rings again. This time it is a woman calling from New York who is distraught because she is in the midst of a family court battle with her husband. He has been sexually abusing their children and she NBA Jerseys Cheap fears that he will gain custody of them. Susie knows href=»http://cheapjerseysupply.com/» target=»_blank»>cheap jerseys from having cheap fake oakleys spoken to over 20,000 callers that abused women often lose custody of their children to their abusive partners, and she wants to help her caller be as prepared as possible. Susie talks with the oakleys outlet caller extensively about her cheap football jerseys situation and spends an hour giving the woman resources and websites. She also connects her with a counseling program in the area that works with sexually abused children.There were basically three kinds of reaction from church members, when someone died of an untreated illness, Mike told us: «Some people who would say, I don’t know if I would have that kind of faith . there would be a few who in their heart of hearts would say, what an idiot they should’ve gotten medical help . and there would be some who’d say, well if they had more faith their son would’ve been healed. And I think that’s probably where most people would come down.»McQuarters (25) intercepts a pass intended for Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Terry Glenn (83) in the end zone during the final seconds of the fourth quarter of an NFC divisional playoff football game, Sunday, Jan. 13, 2008, in Irving, Texas. The interception ended the Cowboys’ final drive and sealed the Giants’ 21 17 win.