Xalapa, Veracruz, México, a viernes 18 de octubre de 2024

Temen por perros capturados en redada de Centro de Salud Animal

Temen por perros capturados en redada de Centro de Salud Animal

, 16 de febrero de 2017

Rossana Luna

Xalapa, Ver., 16 de febrero de 2017.- Vecinos de la zona del Macuiltepetl junto con animalistas denunciaron que durante la madrugada de este jueves personal del Centro de Salud Animal realizaron una redada para llevarse a los perros que encontraron en el sitio.

De acuerdo al veterinario Fernando Luna, la mayor preocupación es que a los animales los  hayan transportado de una manera muy agresiva, incluso aseguró que en el lugar se encontraron jeringas y un medicamento llamado zoletil.

Esta medicina de uso veterinario es un analgésico que al ser inyectado sin el cuidado necesario puede causar la muerte a los animales.

The survey of 504 people in every state and the District reveals that the minds of Native Americans have remained unchanged since a 2004 poll by the Annenberg Public Policy Center found the exact same result. Responses to The Post’s questions about the issue were broadly consistent regardless of age, income, education, political party or proximity to reservations.But something weird happened in sixth grade. I didn’t hit puberty puberty hit me. It seemed like I was going up a cup size every few weeks. I come from a family of fairly petite women, and I was petite in all other respects about 5 foot tall, 100 pounds and change. Knowing that, and observing her baby daughter quickly morph into The Bloob, my mom was naturally a bit concerned. She took me to the doctor, who was just as concerned (visibly so, which is http://www.footballjerseysuppliers.com alarming to see out of any medical professional).»Call Xavier; I don’t have a fucking clue what to do with her.»Some of the fans remain unconvinced of the high quality claim, as Cheap Ray Ban Sunglasses well. «The community is fed up with the Bengals. They don’t try to put a winner on the field,» Hamilton County Commissioner Todd Portune told HuffPost, noting that the team has had a losing record in 19 of the last 21 seasons. People http://www.cheapjordan13.com are fed up, he said, by an «ownership that feels like it did the community a favor by playing ball here.»Then, even more amazingly, a fluke for the ages cheap jerseys china was followed by a mistaken call for the ages. Surely the Seahawks’ mighty running backs would get to finish the job but instead coach Pete Carroll opted for a http://www.cheapjerseyssalestore.com pass play. «I just knew what was coming,» Butler said. He did, making the interception that, with just 20 seconds on the clock, gave possession back to the Patriots and with it the game.If you want to experience a real time warp, simply walk up some stairs. It turns out that time isn’t the same all over it actually runs faster in higher places. In a recent experiment, scientists placed two atomic clocks on two tables, then raised one of the tables by 33 centimeters . and found out that the higher clock was running faster than the lower one at a rate of a 90 billionth of a second in 79 years.»Timmy, you get down from there before you get cataracts!»Statsheet wants to create a program to write entire sports blogs from basically scanning box scores, blogs that readers will think are written by a human. This article includes a sample. These automated blogs might someday be read by an algorithm like Infonic’s or Reuters’ which scans and analyzes hundreds of news articles a day to tell you what people think of different companies (in Infonic’s case) or athletes, or political issues, or anything you don’t want to read about yourself.