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Llama Ochoa Reza al Gobierno Federal a evitar aumentos al precio de la gasolina en febrero

Llama Ochoa Reza al Gobierno Federal a evitar aumentos al precio de la gasolina en febrero

, 31 de enero de 2017

El presidente del Comité Ejecutivo Nacional del Partido Revolucionario Institucional, Enrique Ochoa Reza, llamó al gobierno federal a analizar los detalles técnicos, en el marco de la responsabilidad presupuestal, para evitar aumentos al precio de la gasolina durante febrero, a fin de proteger la economía familiar.

Al participar en la Cuarta Reunión Plenaria del Grupo Parlamentario del PRI en la Cámara de Diputados, aseguró que su partido tiene una amplia vocación social, por lo que uno de los principales temas de su Agenda Social es cuidar el patrimonio de las familias y pugnar por su bienestar.

“Desde esta tribuna hago un llamado muy importante, a nombre del priismo nacional, para que desde el Gobierno de la República se encuentren todas las medidas técnicas y responsables para que no aumente el precio de los combustibles en nuestro país.

“Ciertamente conocemos todos que el precio de los combustibles tiene un origen en los precios internacionales del petróleo y en el tipo de cambio; sin embargo, ante el escenario que vivimos todos los mexicanos, es muy importante que con responsabilidad busquemos que en este mes de febrero no exista cambio alguno en el precio de los combustibles”, aseveró.

El líder nacional priista indicó que el partido ha sido sensible por la afectación en la economía de las familias por el cambio en el precio de la gasolina.

“Lo que exigimos como partido es que el Gobierno de la República lleve a cabo todas las medidas a su alcance para que en responsabilidad presupuestaria se evite un cambio al precio de los combustibles en el mes de febrero.

“Que se proteja, a través de todas las medidas públicas posibles y con responsabilidad técnica, la economía familiar de todos los mexicanos, sobre todo de quienes menos tienen”, insistió.

Ante las diputadas y los diputados del Partido Revolucionario Institucional, encabezados por César Camacho Quiroz, el presidente del CEN puntualizó que el precio de los combustibles obedece a la realidad internacional y al tipo de cambio, variables que, indicó, no las determina nadie por decreto.

El Partido Revolucionario Institucional ratifica su compromiso con la justicia social y confirma su interés en buscar por todos los medios a su alcance la protección de los ingresos de las familias, sobre todo de los que menos tienen.

We are going to get a variety of perspectives on this issue this hour, including from parents of young athletes, a doctor who studies this issue, and a former NFL standout. But first, to set the stage, we’ve called upon Chris Nowinski. He is the co founder and president of Sports Fake Oakleys Legacy Institute. That’s a non profit research center that studies the effects of brain trauma on athletes.ANONYMOUS: Well, it’s not that I don’t like the game. I love the game absolutely love it. I love every second I can play. And I mean play as in physically play on the field. It’s really my distaste for what the NFL strives to be and what they actually are. So, I mean, I can look back to when I started in high school and college, and that’s truly a time where I loved everything about it. It’s something that I needed to be and that it needed to be a part of me. And then you get the NFL and you realize that the only reason that you’re there and the only reason that they want you there is to make money for the NFL, and they’ll compensate Wholesale China Jerseys you for that.Huff has very good hands, showing the ability to snatch the ball. He always catches the ball away from his body. After the catch he is a very good runner, showing a burst, elusiveness, and strength. Many of his longer gains are short passes that he turned into cheap nfl jerseys a big gain with his run skills. On the tape viewed, I did not have an opportunity to see Huff have to compete for the ball in traffic. He was always open. He is a willing blocker and will look for a downfield block to help a back or receiver.To show their loyalty, many fans buy player jerseys, team watches, and franchise mugs. These items announce fans’ allegiances to their teams and remind cheap oakleys them of the sport that brings them joy. People who wear team watches see their favorite teams’ logos whenever they need the time. Rink legends like Mark Messier, Wayne Gretzky, cheap oakleys and Gordie Howe hold special places in hockey history. Hockey enthusiasts worship these figures as if they were gods. Hockey memorabilia that has been autographed or even worn by these players has great value at trade shows and online auctions.’An hour here and an hour there, but it really didn’t appear that way to me.»A police officer commands, and should command, the respect of the entire community,’ Hamilton County Prosecutor Joseph Deters said in a statement.’When an individual police officer betrays that trust, it devastates the entire community which is why the Cincinnati Police Department and my office place the highest priority on these types of cases and will not tolerate this behaviour,’ Mr Deters added.The Cheap Football Jerseys condemned cop faces six felony charges, including theft in office, tampering with evidence and four counts of illegal use of a minor in nudity oriented material or performance, officials said.Making matters worse, Mr Beavers is known through the community for his work with troubled youth.The congenial officer has participated in Camp Joy, in rural Clarksville, OH, for several years, according to WCPO.Camp Joy pairs inner city youngsters ages 10 to 12 with police officers with the hopes of getting to them before the streets do, a partnership that has existed since 1969, the station said.’Once they’ve reached a certain age, it’s kind of hard to grasp, to bring them back,’ Mr Beavers told the station last year.’If you can save them now, you can talk to them now, you can probably reach out and be able to change a lot of their behaviour,’ he added.Mr Beavers told the station how many inner city children who turn to a path Cheap NFL Jerseys of crime and drugs are often victims of their own environment, and that the camp teaches them to trust police.’You shouldn’t be afraid of the police,’ said Mr Burcham.